Tag Archives: Suzuki Tatsuhisa

Dance with Devils ~My Carol~

Dance with Devils ~My Carol~ is the FD to the first game made after the anime, and like the Ken ga Kimi one, it’s a series of short stories packed in one game. The content includes longer stories that happen after the best ending of each route, as well as short after stories of what happens after each ending for each route, including the bad ends as well. As the trend continues, this will be a shorter review with short summaries of what happens in the game – let’s take a look at it. Continue reading

Diabolik Lovers ~Lost Eden~ Mukami Routes + Final Thoughts

After the passing of Karl Heinz, the Mukamis are left with no one to rely on after themselves. Seeing the Demon World fall to chaos while the Sakamakis aren’t able to enter the Demon World, they take things into their hands to protect the home that they were raised in: Karl Heinz’s Castle, Eden. After a run in with Kino and seeing how demons are gonna attack Yui left and right since she’s Eve, they decide to keep her safe while protecting their childhood home that Karl Heinz left behind. Continue reading

Dance with Devils

After the anime, Rejet released an otome game for Dance with Devils to fulfil romances for the rest of the guys in the show. And thus, the Dance with Devils created. The game follows the anime accordingly, where our Heroine, Tachibana Ritsuka, is a normal girl living a normal life. One day, her house is attacked by a bunch of weirdos kidnapping her mother away, in which she receives the help of her school’s student council, who appears to have a strong interest in her for unknown reasons. Well technically everyone who’s reading this post knows the anime already, so let’s cut to the chase! Spoilers all underneath the cut. Continue reading

Onmyouji by NetEase Games

So the game was hyping in my country quite a bit as I heard the character designs of the game were pretty as hell, and guess what, I tried it and and promptly slipped down the hell called Onmyouji. Onmyouji is a “fantasy turn-based rpg”, which tells the story of Abe no Seimei, in the fictional world of probably, feudal Japan. He meets quite a few interesting characters along the way, and that’s so much of the story I can get into. The game is made by NetEase games, a company which actually manages operations of quite a few popular western games like Overwatch, in China. The game is currently available in Chinese and Japanese, but I’m playing the Chinese version. Further details will be under the cut. Continue reading

Uta no Prince-sama ~Music 3~

I acquired this game in early Feb when it first released, and I played it so much that I unlocked all the songs within 2 days of playing, but I was holding back just because I wanted to finish the ASAS review first before heading on to this. That’s right, Utapri’s back with another music game with another round of songs, this time trying to ruin your lives with more tricky beatmaps that you can’t seem to play even when you remember yourself almost perfecting a Pro mode on the last game on PSP, Music 2. Oh well, more details and rants about the game under the cut. Continue reading

Uta no Prince-sama All Star After Secret

And here I am with the fandisk to the All Star game of Utapri! In this game, we have both the senpais and the Kouhais, both which start of as Saotome’s announcement that they’re all gonna have new songs! Thus we follow on Haruka & her lover’s adventures of making a new song while they spend a good time together! For the content, Senpais continue after All Star, while Kouhais continue off from Debut where they are already longtime lovers. THE BOOTLEG STARISH ENDS DO NOT EXIST. I REPEAT. THEY DO NOT EXIST, Spoilers under the cut! Continue reading

Diabolik Lovers MORE, BLOOD ~Limited V Edition~

And here I’m back with more abusive vampires ported on the vita with their extra after stories. This time, as you know, Rejet has added 4 new vampires to ruin our lives further!!!! At the same time guess what, I’m so sure that Rejet handed the writing responsibilities to Otomate which destroyed the Sakamakis, as well as giving the Mukami a very shit impression. Thankfully, for the vita version Rejet pretty much got mad at the Otomate for screwing the guys up, and took back their writing responsibilities and did all of them justice in the after stories. Eitherway, this review will be talking about all the routes, but mainly the after stories. Due to me being blur about this when I finally started typing the routes, if I reference a lot to other blogs, my apologies. But don’t worry, the after stories will all be from my notes. Continue reading

Crap, its 2 years??! Oh no????!

Wow, I can’t believe this is the 2nd year I’m running this blog. Thanks to my friend, who I’ll be crediting her later, she has made my blog a logo!!! I will be updated the blog with the updated logo soon! Well, I guess I’ve been slow in posting recently due to a lot of things happening, but first, a rundown of what happened in this entire year of blogging! Continue reading